Say something I'm giving up on you...

I'll be the one, if you want me to
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I am feeling so small
It was over my head
I know nothing at all

And I will stumble and fall
I'm still learning to love
Just starting to crawl

Say something, I'm giving up on you
I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
Anywhere I would've followed you
Say something, I'm giving up on you

And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye

Say something, I'm giving up on you
And I'm sorry that I couldn't get to you
And anywhere I would've followed you 
Say something, I'm giving up on you

Say something, I'm giving up on you
Say something...

I'm not very good at saying out loud how I feel.  My emotions always make my throat close up.  And I feel my pain in the form of tears.  And then I am lost.  

My heart has always been my guide much to my head's chagrin.  I have always been weak to my heart's desire.  

I'm sorry I thought you were going to be the one.  I made this decision before I even really knew you.  I got caught up in what I thought was going to be the best thing I had ever had.  I'll admit it was premature, it was immature, and I should've known better.

Sometimes these things last and sometimes they just hurt.  

It's undeniable that I am a passionate person.  I feel everything so much that sometimes it's too much for people.  But I honestly believe that the right person won't make me feel like I did something wrong.  Like what I feel is wrong.  I know that now.

I should have seen this coming.  

I know that what I felt seems crazy.  But the right person will be there with me.  After one day.  After one week.  After one month.  After one year.  For forever.  I won't have to convince him of anything.  Because he will be right there with me.  With no fear.  With no doubt.  

Where would poetry be if no one felt the way I feel?  Where would music be if everyone made smart decisions?  The world needs people who feel.  And it needs people who love with reckless abandon.  It needs people who trust too much and give everything they have whether someone deserves it or not.

That is who I am.  And I am not ashamed to be that person.  Because one day I will meet someone who will gladly accept everything I have to offer.  And he will not be afraid to let me feel how I feel...and be who I am.  

Life is too short to waste.  Maybe I jump in to the pool head first.  Maybe I hand over my heart too soon.  Maybe I'm careless...and reckless...and naive.  Maybe I'm trying too hard.  But at least I'm living.  I'm taking control of my life.  And what I want.  With the risk of quoting Foreigner...I want to know what love is...and I need someone to show me.

But I'd rather be like me.  I'd rather live passionately with the chance of happiness and love than to criticize and doubt and judge.  I want to see the good in people, and the possibility in people, and the opportunity that could be.  I don't want to worry about if it's been long enough to feel that way.  If I feel that it's real, it's right.  That is all I know.

My heart doesn't have a timeline.  It's a young heart.  It doesn't know what it's doing.  And I kept it locked up for so long that when I finally let it free it opened up and accepted everything!  And it wanted more.  It wanted everything.  And I couldn't stop it.  And I don't want to stop it.  

You tried to stop it and I know now that if you were right for me, you wouldn't have stopped it.  There is a reason you stopped it.  And even though my head knows this, my heart didn't want to listen.  

But even a naive heart needs to know when it's been beat.  My head had to get back behind the wheel because my heart is hurting.  And before it loses faith that it will ever feel this way again, I need to put it away.  

My head knows that if you had really wanted my heart, you wouldn't have given back to me.  You would have done whatever you could to keep it.  Because I was ready to do that.  Would still do that if I thought that's what you wanted.

So yes.  I feel too much.  I want too much.  And I care too much.  And I'm not going to change that.  You're right.  It wasn't you I felt that about.  It was me.  I was in love with how I felt.  I was in love with the possibility of someone accepting me for me.  I was in love with the idea that we could've been great.  I was in love with the thought that one day I may actually fall in love.  

And I sure did like you a lot.  

What little I knew about you.  Because I know a lot of people.  I've spent a lot of time getting to know people.  And I saw something in you I haven't seen in anyone else.  And that was all I needed to know.  I just needed to see that one thing and everything else would've been just details.  All I wanted, all I want, is that one thing.  And you have it.  But it's not enough.  You have to want to share it with me too.

So now I have to say goodbye.  Because I can't wait for you to say something.  Because you might not ever say what I want to hear.  And I can't waste any more time hoping that you will.  

Life is too short.  To you it hasn't been long enough.  To me it's been too long already.  I let this go on because I hate giving up.  I really really do.  I don't like spending a month, a week, a day, a minute...on something important to me...and then walking away.  But that's what I have to do.  

You know my weakness and you can use it against me.  I can't let that happen.  It's time to give up.  As much as I hate it.  

How can I be attached to someone I barely know?  Well I'm not.  I wasn't.  I'm attached to me.  And I'm attached to what I think is something that will make me happy.  Someone that will make me happy.  Am I crazy for thinking that?  

You know what?  I might be.  But at least I feel.  At least I'm willing to open myself up to something.  At least I'm living it and not just watching it.  I'm afraid I will mess everything up, but I know that the right person will be there to help me fix it.  The right person will take the time, make the effort, and accept that I am a passionate, caring, giving, loving, individual who will do anything for someone who feels the same.  

I will fight for it.  Whether it's too soon, or too much, or too crazy.  I believe in living life to the fullest and how can I possibly be living my life to the fullest if I'm always worried that I'm making a mistake?  People are right.  You can't force it.  And if you have to, it's not meant to be.  

The right person will let me make mistakes knowing that my heart is in a good place.  The right person will help me learn.  The right person will let me in to their head.  In to their heart.  In to their life.  And the right person will accept me for who I am.  All my faults...past...and present.  And they will want to be a part of my future.  Help me become the best person I can be.

You are not a bad person.  But I know now that you are not the right person.  

And if anything, I have learned that even if there is no one out there who feels the way I feel...I am not wrong.  All the best poetry, all the best songs, all the best stories...were written by people like me who feel too much.  Who feel too soon.  And who aren't afraid to jump in to life head first.

And maybe I won't ever find the right person to join me in this crazy adventure.  But I may just write the best story about it.


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