The One with the End...
I did eventually find the words I couldn’t say. I found them and I said them. And I meant them. I meant them as much as I could mean them
while not really meaning them. I know
that doesn’t make any sense—but then again, my heart never makes any
sense. My head tries to make sense. But it usually gets quieted by my heart. They just can’t seem to work together.
My heart fell deeply for someone who told me not to. I didn’t even try to stop it. I followed it head first in to the pool. I was happy to jump.
He told me again and again that he did not have time for a
relationship. But he wouldn’t leave me
alone. And I didn’t want him to. Every time he texted me, I answered. I couldn’t answer fast enough. And every time he invited me over, I
went. Once a week for 8 months. Give or take a week here and there.
I could not get enough of him. One day a week wasn’t enough for me…but it
was better than nothing.
So I found myself again and again making the drive. In the beginning he would come to me, but it
soon became evident that he didn’t even have to bother offering because I would
drive to him if it meant I got to spend time with him. I told myself that I knew what I was doing.
I couldn’t help it. He was everything to me. I had met so many men. So many. And there was just something about him. Something in the way he talked about cooking, about music, about anything. His face lit up with a passion I rarely see in the guys I’ve gone out with. I could have just sat and listened to him tell stories for hours. In fact, I usually did.
We were electric together.
Our conversations would go on all night.
Then when we couldn’t talk anymore we would find ourselves tangled up
together for another extended period of time.
And then we would fall asleep attached to each other. If I rolled over in the middle of the night
he followed. If he rolled over, I
The mornings were usually rushed. I always had to be work. I would be sleep deprived but in the best way
possible. I didn’t care that it took me
an extra 3 cups of coffee to make it through the day. I’d yawn, then I’d smile. I’d catch myself in meetings drifting off
thinking about the night before. It made
my daily meetings bearable!
Sometimes we had time in the morning and he would make me a
cup of coffee and I would sit on his couch and bask in the glow of the night
before. We’d talk about our plans for
the day, what was coming up for the week, or anything else. And then I’d have to go. He’d walk me to the door the way he always
did and we’d hug and he’d kiss me. And
he’d say “have a good week.” I winced
every time he’d put such a long period of time after “have a good…” I never knew how long it would be until I
would see him again.
And that’s how we operated for those 8 months. Always on his schedule. He was busy I rationalized. He had just started his own business. I just had two jobs and a life, no big
Nothing that couldn’t be
rearranged. But he was “BUSY.” I had to accept the time he would give me or
I wouldn’t get any at all.
I told myself that I didn’t mind. Having one day a week made it that much more
special. The fact that he only texted me
every 3 days meant that his texts were precious to me. They weren’t boring updates of what he was
eating, or the chores he had to do that day, or chit chat about how work was
going. Every text meant something. They were witty. They were brief.
They were gold as far as I was concerned.
I had to force myself not to text him as often as I wanted
to. Even when I caved and texted him
some b.s. story just to talk to him, he’d always respond. I would rarely get a full conversation out of
it. Just a few back and forth texts and
he would end it with one word. Or worse,
just smiley face. I knew the smiley face
meant “I’m done texting you for the day.”
Usually. I hate that damn smiley
But with him I have never felt so alive. He made my heart pound and my blood
race. The thought of him made me smile
inside and out. Our time together,
albeit brief, made me so happy. It was
so easy. We were instantly comfortable
with each other and it felt like we had known each other for years. We rarely argued about anything. If we did, it was always followed by laughs
and a round or two in the bedroom.
I never demanded anything of him. Any time I would get the courage to have any
sort of serious talk with him, I’d chicken out.
I can’t even count the number of times I spent the entire 20 minute car ride
going over and over the issues I needed to talk to him about. I’d breathe deep and say “Okay, we got this,
we’re sooo gonna say it this time!”
And then I’d walk in to his apartment. He’d smile.
He’d offer me something to drink.
I’d sit down in the chair across from him. He’d ask me how my week was. We’d talk about our weeks. We’d listen to music. We’d eat ice cream and give each other foot
massages. We’d tell stories. Then we’d go to bed and start the cycle all
over again.
Every single time I chickened out because I didn’t want to
ruin our good time. It just felt so
unnecessary. All the issues I told
myself I needed to talk to him about—they just didn’t matter as soon as we were
together. I knew that if I asked the
questions I wanted to ask that I wouldn’t get the answers I wanted to hear and
then our fun time would be over.
And that was the last thing I wanted.
I can’t even say that right now I’m okay that it’s
over. I’m trying to be. I really need to be over it. But it’s one of those sorts of things that
will stick with you forever, I think.
Even though it was such a short time in the grand scheme of life, I
believe he was one of those people that I will never forget.
He made me feel things I had never felt before. He introduced me to so many things I never
would have known about or experienced without him. He just had so much life experience. I felt like I was learning things and
changing my views on things I didn’t realize were changeable.
Everything he said just made so much sense. It was like we were a cult and I worshiped him.
While I understand that sounds crazy, I haven’t had anyone in my life longer than a couple months since I was in college. I meet men. I fall for them. Something happens. It’s over. Nothing has lasted any longer than a couple of months. No one has stuck around long enough for me to be that crazy about them.
But he did. Even
though he wouldn’t commit to me, he didn’t commit to anyone else either. Well, as far as I knew anyway. Even if he was sleeping with other girls—which
I can only assume—he always came back to me.
That had to mean something, right?
Yeah…that he knew that I worshiped him and would do
anything for him and wouldn’t ask for anything in return. That’s what it meant.
He told me to date other people. We talked about my sorry excuse for a dating
life, but only in the context of how the date failed. I never said out loud “my date didn’t go well
because he’s not you” but I think we both knew that very well. Since February I had been failing at trying
to meet someone else. January was when
he told me he wasn’t looking for a relationship and February was the beginning
of an end that took another 6 months to materialize.
I did see other guys.
I did go on dates. I slept with a
couple of them too—although I never told him about that. I don’t know if he just assumed, the way I
did, that I slept with other people during that time or not. It doesn’t really matter. It’s not like he would’ve been jealous the
way I would’ve been. And he never told
me about his turns either so it was a don’t ask, don’t tell policy with
us. Except for every time I’d go out
with a guy and inevitably break it off and go running back to him.
It was like he knew that telling me to go out with guys would
only bring me back to him. Of course I
compared them all. Of course none of
them were nearly as interesting as him.
And if they were, I never found out because I was too busy thinking
about how they weren’t to actually find out the truth. I sabotaged every single one. Over and over. And I told him so. And he didn’t say anything about it.
He let me fall for him.
He told me not to, but then he didn’t do anything to stop it. He kept inviting me over knowing that every
time he would go days without talking to me, was agony for me.
He knew I would rub his back anytime he asked, so he asked
often. Didn’t really return the favor
except maybe once.
He knew that he could go days without talking to me and that
whenever he had time he could guarantee I would be there anyway. No matter how long had passed in between.
He knew everyone in my life knew about him when he most likely didn’t tell anyone about me.
He knew I wanted to go out with him. Go to dinner. Go to the movies. Go fucking anywhere! But he was always “too busy” for those things. But he’d invite me over for the night and we’d spend enough time together to have done all of the above.
He knew if he asked me for something that I’d give it to
He knew that I wanted to be more than what we were. That, I did say out loud once or twice. And he would say “I enjoy spending time with
you…I would like to keep seeing you…but I don’t have time for a relationship.”
Everyone in my life told
me I deserved better. He probably knew I
was hearing that and ignoring it. My
friends saw that I was happy, but they also saw that I was miserable. I don’t know how life can be so cruel as to
have you feel two such strong emotions simultaneously.
I’ve never had anyone in my life before that I enjoyed
spending time with the way I enjoyed it with him. Maybe because we weren’t in a relationship we
got to live that beginning part where you don’t discuss where things are going
and you just enjoy each other over and over and over. It was some of the best parts of a
relationship without actually being in one.
We had passion—boy did we—and we even had a smidgen of intimacy.
But there was no commitment.
Anyone who took a psych 100 course knows that there needs to be passion,
intimacy, and commitment for consummate love.
Passion and intimacy are “fatuous love.” That is what I was. Completely fatuous. For those of you who aren’t wordsmiths like myself, some synonyms for fatuous are
Yeah, that was me alright.
I did say goodbye...twice.
I decided while I didn’t want to give him up, that I did deserve better
and the longer I allowed this to go on, the more fatuous I would become and
eventually I would lose myself altogether.
I would lose the excitement I feel for my future. The idea of marriage and family. The thought of spending the rest of my life
with someone. So I finally got the guts
and sent a ten page text that I sobbed through the entire time that I was
He said “I wish things were different. I really like you. I like being with you. But you deserve someone who has time to spend
with you. You’re incredible. You’re sexy & smart & funny &
beautiful. Don’t ever sell yourself
short. Don’t settle. I know it doesn’t always seem like it but I
like getting texts from you. I’m sorry I
don’t have a lot of time for responses.
I’d like to keep seeing you but I know that’s not fair to you…I’m sad
but I know this is best for both of us right now.”
That broke me. Why if
he felt that way would he just not do something about it? If I was so incredible, sexy, smart, why didn’t
he make time for me? I’m sorry, but It’s
a bunch of bull shit that someone “doesn’t have time” for something if they
feel strongly enough about it. I know
people who have made relationships out of FAR LESS than that. With less time and more distance.
I made it maybe two weeks.
And when that text came (I don't know who broke first, probably me)…as it inevitably would…I showed up. And I told myself I was stronger than I was
before. This time around I knew it was
nothing. We were just two people hanging
out and enjoying things while we were in the interim of life.
But I learned things about him that hurt me like they shouldn’t
have. I had no claim staked. There was nothing I could do. I couldn’t be hurt, I kept telling
myself. But I was. So I did it again. I said goodbye again. But this time I meant it. I knew I did.
I told him he was breaking my heart over and over and I honestly had
reached my limit.
I told him that I knew he knew how I felt and that I couldn’t
be his go-to person anymore. I wanted my
power back! And instead of the long drawn out text I got the first time
around…all I got that time was “I’m so sorry Alicia. I never meant to hurt you. I’ll leave you alone.
And he did. And I
held strong. For about a month I held it
together. And then I quit my job and had
nothing but time to think. I didn’t
cave. It wasn’t me the second time. He texted me after about a month and asked
how I was. And I told him the
truth. I said “I’m getting by.” I wasn’t happy, but I was just
about over being sad. But of course I
had other problems. And he had
solutions. And so I found myself at his
place again.
The only way to keep my wits about me this time was to go
into everything like it was a transaction.
No feelings. No strings. No hurt heart. I thought I had this nice wall built.
I thought I did.
But you know how these things go.
This time there was no grand gesture “good bye” text. I went to his new place and we hung out. For the first time in 8 months we didn’t
sleep together. We talked all
night. I slept over. I left in the morning. We said good bye, but made no promises to see
each other again.
And that was it.
It’s been about a month.
Neither one of us has texted the other.
I think he would’ve responded if I had texted, but I think he also knows
when I don’t that I am…otherwise engaged.
There wasn’t really any closure there, but let’s be real…I had closure
twice and that didn’t help anything anyway.
Is it over for good this time? I guess so.
It’s probably better that there was no official good bye. I’ve never been good at good bye’s.
Will I be able to move on to someone better?
I certainly hope so.
I have failed every time I’ve tried. But I think I’m in a better place. I don’t put him up on a pedestal
anymore. I see the things about him that
I was blinded to when I was really “in it.”
There were things he would say, things he wouldn’t do, times I could
never have relied on him in any real manner.
I see now just how much advantage he took of the situation and how much
I let him do it. Can you really take advantage
of someone who is happy to do it?
He was like a magician. And whatever we had was just smoke and mirrors.
What concerns me is how strongly I felt for someone who didn’t
feel that way about me. How much of my
heart I was willing to hand over. How
much of my life I was unwittingly willing to change, bend, and move around, for
someone who never offered me the same. Someone
who had no intention of letting me any closer than arm’s distance. Someone who found it so easy to enjoy the
things I was willing to do for him all the while never planning on doing
anything like that for me.
What concerns me more is if I’ll be able to feel that way
for someone else. Will I ever meet
someone I feel that way about who feels that way about me too? I have met men willing to be that person for
me, but I find myself frustratingly feeling nothing for them. Or at least, not feeling enough of it. What is wrong with me? Why do I keep giving myself to these guys who
will take take take, but never give back?
And then when I find someone willing to give it all to me…I
don’t want it.
My heart is broken. I
can’t trust it right now. I only hope
that someday it finally realizes what I deserve and will accept nothing
less. But that is another blog entirely…
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