Life's too short to buy cheap toilet paper...and other random musings...
With a blank piece of paper…er, word document, in front of me…I have the opportunity to write whatever I like. Do I write something funny? Should I target my female friends? Do I try and tell a story? Is there a profound thought I want to share? I have all these possibilities of what to write. In my every day life I am constantly finding things I want to write about. I will be driving and think, oh I should write about this. Or I will be at work and wonder what people would say if I told this story. Right now I don’t have anything in particular I want to write about…but I know I want to write cuz my brain is bursting with things to say. They are not necessarily related ideas…just things I think about. They are in no particular order…but sometimes I can’t help but wonder…
How do you know when you’re happy? I feel like we’re constantly chasing an idea of happiness. I think people spend so much time trying to figure out what makes them happy and then doing everything they can to reach it that they don’t take the time to just live and realize they could be happy right here, right now. Stop what you’re doing. Think back to the last time you were actually really happy. Why do we spend so much money on pills and therapy to reach moments like that? If you just take control of your happiness and don’t let others affect it…I think we could all be a little happier right now. Not tomorrow or when we graduate or when we get that job or when we find a man or when we have kids. No, not then. Now. Let’s all be happy with something in our lives right now.
How do you define crazy? I took 5 years of psychology in college and learned all about the DSM’s versions of “crazy.” I know the clinical terminology associated and the signs and symptoms. But aren’t we all just a little bit crazy? Isn’t there something in your life that could or has happened that caused you to go a little postal? Do something you wouldn’t normally do that people on the outside without the full story might deem to be an act of craziness? I think we all need to embrace our inner crazy and accept it. And only let it out when it’s completely appropriate and you can clean up after its disastrous wake.
Why is it that music…a lyric, a song, an entire album…has this magical force that can drum up a memory so quick you’re halfway through it before you realize you’re reliving it? How is music that powerful? People put a lot of weight in to music. People judge people for the type of music they listen to. Is it because you think you can tell what kind of person someone is by what type of music will affect them in such a personal way? I mean, we seem to feel an instant connection with someone who likes the same song we do, or listens to the same band, or has the same CD. Music is just that powerful. And that’s something I wonder about…
How come fabulous women are out there living their lives alone while crazy bitches all over town are getting men? Is it because the man is also crazy? That’s a short one. I think it often though…
How come when you lay around all day and do nothing…you’re tired from it? Shouldn’t you be tired from running around all day and actually doing things? I find I’m more tired when I’ve done nothing productive. I could take 3 naps in one day if time sufficed. It’s just weird how laziness begets more laziness and how tired you can get from doing absolutely nothing.
What is it about the young bucks that lets us stay up all hours the night before, most likely engaging in raucous behavior, and then getting barely any sleep before heading in to work or school or whatever other responsibility we have…and then actually living through it? Why, as we get older, does this get harder? I think we should always have the bounce back ability. Life can’t be put on hold until the weekends when it’s most convenient (at least for people with regular jobs). We should be able to enjoy ourselves any day of the week and then wake up and do it all over again. It’s so inconvenient to be tired and hung over…unless whatever you were doing the night before was so good that every time you yawn, you smile…
Sometimes when I’m hanging out with my friends on a lazy Sunday and I realize 4 hours has passed and I’ve done nothing productive or responsible I smile and thank the powers that be that I am still able to do this. I am so thankful that I can live my life for me and have to answer to no one else. I like just hanging out with friends and not having anything to worry about getting to. On the other hand, when I’m alone…I get lonely and wish I had someone to take care of. Quite the dichotomy…
You can’t tell me that after putting a man on the moon that we can’t come up with a nail polish that stays on for more than one day before chipping off.
Why do people say that joining a sorority I paid for my friends? I paid to be in a club the same way people on student government or in the chess club pay dues. Any club has expenses and pooling everyone’s money and making a budget to share it fairly and evenly is just a smart way to do it as oppose to always paying out of pocket when it comes time to do anything. Not to mention I now have 20 numbers I can call at will and have someone at my door within 24 hours if I really needed them. Plus the additional 50 or so people I am dying to see at Homecoming every year...
Why do I dream about my ex-boyfriends all the time? I haven't actually dated anyone for, like, 4 or 5 years and yet I still dream about these guys. But I don't dream about us now...what these guys look like now...I dream about what we looked like then and what we'd have done back then. It's not like that was a happier time in my life and I need it back. It's over, and has been over, for a reason. It's not like I'm unhappy now and just wish I could go back to that time. Because I don't. But for whatever reason my brain needs to take me back there almost every night. It's so sad to admit. Seriously. There are SOOO many encounters with other men that I'd like to relive over and over every I don't understand why I keep dreaming about these old bfs. It's frustrating and it's getting old. I just thought I'd share.
You know they always say that men are the sex-crazed ones. They say men are constantly thinking about sex and having it and when they will get it again. I don't know who "they" are...but that's total crap. Perhaps I have a problem, but I think about it ALL the time too. I plan nights around it. I make sure that I take my birth control pills in a way that I should never be out of commission on a weekend. Hell, I'm on the b.c. without being in a relationship for the pure fact that I like to have sex and try to get it as often as possible. When I don't get it for a while I get cranky. Cranky like I am right now. It totally sucks when you think you have a sure thing to look forward to and then it ends. There you are getting it every weekend and then nada. And that just sucks...
Even though I hate that I'm a server with a bachelors degree...and I hate that I work weekends...and I hate that I don't automatically get holiday's like July 4th off anymore...and I hate that I don't have benefits, or paid vacation, or job security, or work where I live...and I hate that I smell like chicken when I get home...and I hate that I work crazy hours... I love the people I work with. We have a LOT of fun at work sometimes. Sometimes I feel like we shouldn't be having so much fun. And there's no drama. There's no man stealing or back stabbing or anything like that. Even though I work with people born in the 90's--they are more mature than some of the people I worked with at the office who were 30. I also love that after a hard night of work we'll all just belly up to the bar and drink a couple beers. I love that. That's why I still work at Chicken Wing Land.
That's all I got for now. Hopefully I will be struck with a topic more interesting for next time. Until then...
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