I've been tagged!

It's been a while since I've actually sat down and typed up a blog so when I was tagged in a blog by a fellow blogger...well, it was as good an excuse as any to finally get back here and throw something out there for my five fans to read.  You know who you are.  I was tagged a while ago, so I apologize that this is so late...but better late than never sometimes.

For those of you who may not be as blog savvy...being tagged means someone else out there in cyberspace not only reads your blog, but also enjoys it!  Penny Lane has picked 11 questions and then tagged a few bloggers to answer them.  Since I was tagged...I happily oblige!

My questions:

1. Converse or Doc Martins?
Are people still wearing these brands? I thought they went out with the 90's...but what do I know?  I'm one of the worst-dressed people I know.  The worst part is that I actually try to dress nice :/  But seriously, if I had to choose I would say Docs because I actually own a pair of Doc sandals.  I don't care if people think the look went out in 1999...I still sport them because they've held up quite nicely!  The best part is, I got those Docs for $20 and a large pepperoni pizza from my old roommate who never wore them.  

2. If you were the Jeannie from I Dream of Jeannie, which celebrity hunk would be your  Major Nelson? ( Or if you prefer to pick a celeb starlet then just reverse the question)
For you young-ins out there...I Dream of Jeannie was the first show with midriff!  But they wouldn't let her show her belly button--just everything above it.  Seriously!  Go check out wiki if you're still scratching your head on this one.  I actually did watch this show so I believe I can answer honestly here and say Ian Somerhalder from Lost and The Vampire Diaries!  He is just delicious!

3. YooHoo or Nesquick?
Hot damn...Nesquik no doubt!  YooHoo tastes like a dirty dish rag that was rung out in to a bottle and shaken over cheap chocolate sauce!  Who doesn't love that little rascally rabbit in the commercials?  Again...for you young-ins...YooHoo and Nesquik are chocolate drinks.  One came in a bottle and the other you mixed in with milk.  While Nesquik was more work...it was worth it.  YooHoo was like licking an armpit.  Don't ask.

4. If you could be any place right now where would you be?
On the beach!  That answer never changes!  Doesn't matter when or where I am...I would always prefer to be on a nice sunny beach soaking up the Vitamin D and listening to the waves crash.  Of course if we're going to play total-and-complete-fantasy-land...then I would really prefer to be in Charlie Hunnam's strong arms and/or riding on the back of his Harley!
5. If you could be famous for anything in the world, what would it be?
Singing!  I've been singing lyrics since before I could complete full sentences.  I love to sing.  Over the years I haven't done anything to take care of my voice so now it's best left for late night deserted karaoke bars...but I once won gold medals with it :)  The thing about singers...as opposed to actors...is that they have talent  passion that people can relate to.  People of all different education levels, socioeconomic statuses, and ages can all relate to the same song.  Music is timeless.  Movies and TV are so totally and completely dated that in even ten years shows become irrelevant because times have changed that much.  But you can play a song that was written in the 1960's today and touch a kid the same way it touched kids in the 60's.  Now enough of the "touch kids" talk before someone reports.  
http://bltsalade.deviantart.com Say hello to Pedo Bear.
6. What is your favorite color?
Hands down, blue.  It's been blue for as long as I can remember.  I know it's pretty damn boring since everyone else's favorite color is blue--what's with that anyway?  But the blue I like is a very specific color of blue that is dark with some green mixed in.  Wiki calls it "prussian blue."  I like this color because it accentuates the color of my eyes the best.  Lucky for me it was a popular shade at Old Navy a couple years back so I loaded up on it!  One of these days blue eyes will be extinct...so I'm glad to sport my recessive trait!

7. Soap bar or Liquid Soap?
This one is easy...bar soap!  I don't trust that liquid soap to get me clean.  I don't know what it is.  I was alive before the wide spread use of liquid soap.  Back in my day we all had our bars of Zest getting us zestfully clean!  I love the smell of bar soap...all kinds.  My best bath time memories involve bar soap.  Getting out the trusty wash cloth and wrapping up the soap with it and then sudsing up with it.  I even remember the different soaps different family members had who had to give me baths.   These days after using my bar soap (I go back and forth among about 5 different brands including Dove, Caress, Dial, Lever2000, and yes...Zest) I do use creamy body wash just to that I smell girly and have soft skin.

8. Television show that has ended that you wish lasted longer?
Firefly and Arrested Development.  I could have used at least 3 more seasons to help explain all the shit that happened on LOST too!

9. Blackberry or iPhone?
Android.  I never liked the Blackberry...teeny tiny screens and teeny tiny buttons.  While I may have nimble fingers...they are also small-sausage-sized fingers that end up mashing multiple buttons at once.  I really dug the little ball thing though.  I don't have a Mac to hook an iPhone to...so there's that.  Plus Apple products are ridiculously expensive and are always coming out with newer versions to make you spend more fucking money you don't have just to say you have the newest contraption available!

10. Are you a type A personality? 
Definitely not.  While I do possess a few type A traits...I think most people do.  But I'm not a high-strung workaholic by any means.  In fact, I've been floating between jobs for years because I lack the ambition and drive necessary to go back to school.  I'm hoping to change that soon because being a type B doesn't get you anywhere professionally.  I've been laying back and just living for so long that I've wasted so many years just "being" and haven't really been "doing" anything.  

11. If you could put together a band of any musicians alive or dead, who would be in it?
John Lennon, David Gilmour, John Bonham, Paul McCartney, Steve Perry, Stevie Nicks, Ann Wilson.  They'd all have to take turns singing and playing instruments of course.

I've reached the point in the game where I tag a bunch of bloggers and give them a list of questions to answer...but I'm too tired.  I'll just get this posted, and maybe I'll get around to keeping the game alive!  I hope this isn't like those chain letters where you have to send it to so many people within so many days or something bad will happen...

I knew I shouldn't have broken all those chain letters when I was a kid.  That explains a lot really.


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