Don't let the door hit ya 2010!
Good riddance 2010. You sucked a lot. You sucked more than 2009 did and I didn't think that was even possible! It's the end of the year and I don't really have anything interesting to blog about, but I felt like I outta throw one last blog out there that isn't sappy or bitchy or whiney or any of the other things my blogs are usually about. And thank god December (i.e. the WORST month of the year) is coming to a close!
This past year...and in all honesty, 2 years...has been a year I'd like to forget. Not the whole thing by any means--I mean, I did get laid a few times this there's that. Of course it was a different guy every time. But does it really matter once you've reached the point where you've run out of fingers and toes to count on? No, not really. There's a fine line between easy and sleazy and I walk it like a pro. Pun intended.
I guess if I had to pick something from this year that I learned it's that there is a such thing as mega-dosing on vitamins...and it's the shit! It really fucking works. They don't tell you to drink oj when you're sick for the hell of it. Of course, mega-dosing means ingesting much more Vitamin C than your typical glass of Sunny D gives ya. I learned all about it when I watched Food Matters. It's a documentary on everything BUT food. Basically they say no to cooking and yes to taking thousands and thousands of milligrams of your favorite natural ingredients.
Just to prove my point...I have been able to ward off colds with nothing but 1,000 mg Vitamin C pills and my favorite sick drink Emergen-C. I've tried it three times this year and always been successful. In fact, just Monday I woke up with the makings of a sore throat that I stupidly ignored. Then when I woke up Tuesday the throat was full on sore and the rest of my head was a giant pile of sick. I took 2,000 mg of Vitamin C in pill form and then another 1,000 mg with my raspberry Emergen-C drink. It is now only Thursday and I feel 100% better than I did just two days ago.
Let me add that I have not taken any other medicine of any kind--unless you count nasal spray, which I don't. The swollen nodes went back to normal and my sore throat is gone. Which is fucking fantastic because I was about to drive all the way back to my hometown and beat my sister for giving me a cold the week of NYE! but that really is about all I learned this year...mega-dosing works!
I suppose the other thing I learned...or shall I say, re-learned is that I must live alone. I've had too many roommate situations go bad on me and lost too many friends all because I am the worst person to live with if at any point in your life you wish to have a boyfriend. I hate live-in-free-loading boyfriends, I hate being the third wheel in my own home, and I hate boys stealing my fabulous single women away from me. There are very few of us left and I covet the ones who remain! So I've decided that I need to live alone so that I can keep my friendships and my sanity. Even if it means I eat Ramen noodles for a year just to pay rent and bills.
I look forward to 2011 because I have a trip to Cali being planned for Memorial weekend to visit my dad and his family. I am hoping this trip will get my fat ass in gear and working out again. I don't have crazy ideas of dropping shit tons of weight in the next 5 months--but I know 20 pounds isn't too much to ask for. My dad has always been one of those sticklers about weight and is most definitely the man who started my whole weight complex back when I was still prepubescent...but I'm a grown ass woman now and I need to think of my health if not just the fact that I can't fit in to any of my cute clothes anymore. Working out again is goal number one.
My second goal is to finally meet a man. That's been a lifetime achievement goal...but I'm starting to get damn old and eventually I'm going to start looking my age. I'm hoping to meet an adult male and not a grown man child. I've met enough of them and they are never ready to actually be adults in real relationships. They are selfish arrogant pricks who'd rather have an airhead at their side who doesn't ask a lot of questions or challenge them in any way...and clearly, that's not me.
I'm not all that picky about looks these days because it's usually the hot guys who are the biggest a-holes. I just want someone who is nice that I am compatible with. I recently learned that it's possible to find a guy who is willing to sit down and have a 5 hour conversation with me. I've also recently learned that I am still fuckable (okay so that really wasn't a doubt of mine, but still). These were not the same guy, however. Is it too much to ask that I find a fuckable conversationalist? As awesome as it is to have a guy friend I can talk to or a guy who wants to sleep with me...I would very much like this person to be one in the same.
I have hopefully taken care of the living situation...shouldn't have any major blow outs with my cat as she is not allowed to have friends stay over and she won't be leaving me for a man any time soon. I have the job situation all taken care of as well. While I don't really like most of the people I work with...I do like a steady pay check. This job could easily be performed by trained monkeys so it's not like it's hard work either. Those were 2 of my biggest problems this year so I'm hoping I'll enter 2011 with at least half the battle won.
So I have two goals to reach in 2011. I'm thinking goal number one will lead to more confidence which will lead to goal number two since right now all I think about myself is that I look like shit and I feel like shit and as hot as that is to the opposite sex...I think confidence might be even hotter. We shall see what I come up with. I mean, something's got to give at some point right? I've had two shitty years in a row which means I have a good one coming to me, right?
Oh yeah 2011 will be the last year of my twenties so I'm looking forward to embracing my 30's in the new decade that is the Twenty-Teens. If only because I still look like I'm in my early 20's! Having a baby face sucked when I was 18...but it should do me some good when I'm 35. Ugh...let's not talk about 35 just yet. I'm not ready for that...
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